The effect of demographic characteristics on the relationship between smoking and dry mouth in Iran: a cross-sectional, case-control study
/0 Comments/in /by KERCADRSPrevalence and incidence of pre-hypertension and hypertension (awareness/control) in Iran: findings from Kerman coronary artery diseases risk factors study 2 (KERCADRS)
/0 Comments/in /by KERCADRSThe Prevalence and 5-Year Incidence Rate of Low Physical Activity in 10,000 Urban Population in South East of Iran: Relationship With Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors
/0 Comments/in /by KERCADRSDownregulation of IL‐22 can be considered as a risk factor for onset of type 2 diabetes
/0 Comments/in Publication /by KERCADRSThe study of the serum level of IL‐4,TGF‐β, IFN‐γ, and IL‐6 in overweight patients with and without diabetes mellitus and hypertension
/0 Comments/in /by KERCADRSPrevalence of the Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome and Its Associated Factors in People Between 15 and 80 Years in Kerman: A Population-based Study on 1700 Individuals
/0 Comments/in /by KERCADRSAnxiety, depression, and oral health: A population‑based study in Southeast of Iran
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No.24, Aarabi St, Yaman St, Velenjak, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1985717413, P.O Box: 19395-4763
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