Diabetes therapy

Nationwide Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes and Associated Risk Factors Among Iranian Adults: Analysis of Data from PERSIAN Cohort Study

Int J Prev Med

Association between White Blood Cells Count and Diabetes Mellitus in Tabari Cohort Study: A Case-Control Study

BMC Oral Health

Relationship between DMFT index and number of pregnancies: a cross-sectional study on enrollment phase of the Tabari Cohort Study

Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Environmental and economics-related factors of smoking among Iranian adults aged 35-70: a PERSIAN cohort-based cross-sectional study

Developing Non-Laboratory Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Charts and Validating Laboratory and Non-Laboratory-Based Models

Research Square

New risk models for predicting diabetes and prediabetes in the first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes and a comparison with the FINDRIC

The predictive value of atherogenic index of plasma in the prediction of cardiovascular events; a fifteen-year cohort study

The long-term association of different dietary protein sources with metabolic syndrome

Horm Metab Res

Correction: Reference Intervals for Thyroid Hormones During the First Trimester of Gestation: A Report from an Area with a Sufficient Iodine Level