Association between Age at Menarche and Metabolic Syndrome in Southwest Iran: A Population-Based Case-Control Study
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/0 Comments/in Publication /by HCSPrevalence of cardiovascular diseases and associated factors among adults from southwest Iran: Baseline data from Hoveyzeh Cohort Study
/0 Comments/in /by HCSDietary diversity score is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in patients with hypertension (Hoveyzeh cohort study)
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/0 Comments/in Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications, Hoveizeh Cohort Study Publications /by HCSAssociation between heavy metals and metabolic syndrome in drinking water and surface soil: case-control study in Iran
/0 Comments/in PGCS Publications /by HCSRelationship between urinary heavy metals with metabolic syndrome and its components in population from Hoveyzeh cohort study: A case-control study in Iran
/0 Comments/in Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication /by HCSCohort profile: The Hoveyzeh Cohort Study (HCS): A prospective population-based study on non-communicable diseases in an Arab community of Southwest Iran
/0 Comments/in /by HCSAssessment of Genetic Aspects of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver and Premature Cardiovascular Events
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No.24, Aarabi St, Yaman St, Velenjak, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Postal Code: 1985717413, P.O Box: 19395-4763
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