Risk of diabetes according to the metabolic health status and degree of obesity
/0 Comments/in /by IDPCThe Visceral Adiposity Index in Comparison with Easily Measurable Anthropometric Markers Did Not Improve Prediction of Diabetes
/0 Comments/in /by IDPCUtility of serum lipid ratios for predicting incident type 2 diabetes: the Isfahan Diabetes Prevention Study
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/0 Comments/in /by IDPCUtility of Continuous Metabolic Syndrome Score in Assessing Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: The Isfahan Diabetes Prevention Study
/0 Comments/in Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication, Publication /by IDPCThe product of triglycerides and glucose in comparison with fasting plasma glucose did not improve diabetes prediction
/0 Comments/in /by IDPCStressful life events, education, and metabolic syndrome in women: are they related? A study in first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetics
/0 Comments/in /by IDPCProgression to impaired glucose metabolism in first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes in Isfahan, Iran
/0 Comments/in IDPC Publications, Publication /by IDPCContact
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