World J Diabetes

Severity of the metabolic syndrome as a predictor of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes in first degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients: A 15-year prospective cohort study

J Res Med Sci

Prevalence and predictors of prediabetes and its coexistence with high blood pressure in first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes: A 9-year cohort study

Functional Foods in Health and Disease

Effects of probiotics and synbiotic on lipid profiles in adults at risk of type 2 diabetes: A double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial

Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes

Cross-sectional and longitudinal assessments of risk factors associated with hypertension and moderately increased albuminuria comorbidity in patients with type 2 diabetes: a 9-year open cohort study

World J Diabetes

Different metabolic/obesity phenotypes are differentially associated with development of prediabetes in adults: Results from a 14-year cohort study

J Diabetes Investig

Alendronate improves fasting plasma glucose and insulin sensitivity, and decreases insulin resistance in prediabetic osteopenic postmenopausal women: A randomized triple-blind clinical trial

Acta Diabetol

The effects of probiotics and synbiotic supplementation on glucose and insulin metabolism in adults with prediabetes: a double-blind randomized clinical trial