Rafsanjan Youth Non-communicable
Diseases Research Center, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
Principal Investigator
Dr. Ali Esmaeili Nadimi
Professor of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences
Approval date
Starting date
As a part of Persian youth cohort, this study was aimed to determine ; 1-Incidence rate of frequent psychiatric disorders, psychosocial disorders and accidents in teenagers and young people aged 15-35 years. 2- trend and outcomes of common psychiatric disorders 3- the risk and protective factors for frequent psychiatric disorders, psychosocial disorders and accidents
Study population
3,000 teenagers and young people aged 15-35 years
Sampling method and sample size
The participants were randomly selected from five urban healthcare catchment areas the same as Adult NCDs cohort
Data Collection
Psychiatric questionnaire focused on Personality and anxiety disorders-, and drug-abuse , and usual lab test the same as Adult NCDs cohort
Follow up Methods
One year after enrolment, half of the participants were followed by phone call and the rest by in-person interview
Main Exposures
Aggressive behaviors, suicide thoughts and suicide attempts, smoking, drug-abuse, accidents, sleep disorders, positive family history for psychiatric disorders
hospitalization for mental disorders, psychiatric-related morbidity and mortality
Cohort Study