Rafsanjan Youth Non-communicable

Diseases Research Center, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences

Principal Investigator

Dr. Ali Esmaeili Nadimi

Professor of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Non-Communicable Diseases Research Center, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences



As a part of Persian youth cohort, this study was aimed to determine ; 1-Incidence rate of frequent psychiatric disorders, psychosocial disorders and accidents in teenagers and young people aged 15-35 years. 2- trend and outcomes of common psychiatric disorders 3- the risk and protective factors for frequent psychiatric disorders, psychosocial disorders and accidents

3,000 teenagers and young people aged 15-35 years

The participants were randomly selected from five urban healthcare catchment areas the same as Adult NCDs cohort

Psychiatric questionnaire focused on Personality and anxiety disorders-, and drug-abuse , and usual lab test the same as Adult NCDs cohort

One year after enrolment, half of the participants were followed by phone call and the rest by in-person interview

Aggressive behaviors, suicide thoughts and suicide attempts, smoking, drug-abuse, accidents, sleep disorders, positive family history for psychiatric disorders

hospitalization for mental disorders, psychiatric-related morbidity and mortality

 Cohort Study
