A Cohort Study of Stroke and Heart Atherosclerotic Disorders in Mashhad

Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

Dr. Majid Ghayour-Mobarhan

Principal Investigator

To determine the prevalence of atherosclerotic disorders during a period of at least 10 years

To determine the prevalence of stroke and coronary disease and their biological, environmental, social, and behavior-related risk factors in a defined geographic area

To identify characteristics related to the development of clinically evident CVD

To identify the association between environmental risk indicators and cardiovascular disease endpoints

The MASHAD study started in 2010 and will continue until 2020. The total population in the city of Mashhad was
estimated using the national Iranian census in 2006. Participants were drawn from three regions in Mashhad, located in the north-eastern Iran, using a stratified cluster random sampling technique. Each region was divided into
nine sites centered upon Mashhad Healthcare Center divisions. Households with individuals of eligible age between 35 and 65 years were identified and the local population authorities provided families with an information brochure of the study.

◉9704 participants were drawn from three regions in Mashhad, using a stratified cluster random sampling technique.

It is intended that the subjects recruited into the MASHAD
study will be monitored for at least 10 years and will be
contacted at 3-yearly intervals to reduce the risk of losing
contact. They will be asked to complete the follow-up
questionnaire to identify any changes in their state of health
and lifestyle. A follow-up analysis will be performed every
3 years. However, certain data will be collected more frequently as required for the particular sub-projects.
Morbidity and mortality data and myocardial infarction
(MI) and stroke rates are being collected regularly from the
reference community.

Cohort Study

About the Cohort Study of Stroke and Heart Atherosclerotic Disorders in Mashhad


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