Addressing Individual Ophthalmic Health in Public Health Research
1Professor of Opthalmology at the Noor Ophthalmology Research Center at the Noor Eye Hospital in Tehran, Iran.
2a Senior Research Scientist at the Noor Ophthalmology Research Center at the Noor Eye Hospital.
3Research Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland USA.
4Professor of Epidemiology at the Ophthalmic Epidemiology Research Center, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, in Shahroud, Iran.
5Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran.
In pediatric cohort studies, disclosing findings and providing treatment counseling to parents, legal guardians, or other authorized representatives is an ethical imperative. Keratoconus (KC) is a corneal degenerative disease that can progress to severe vision impairment and need for corneal transplantation. This report concerns the disclosure of results to the parents of children who were diagnosed with KC in the Shahroud Schoolchildren Eye Cohort Study and received essential treatment in a timely manner.
Keywords: Ophthalmic